Captain’s Log

Jamie’s birthday is tomorrow, and Caine came down from Idaho this weekend. We all went to the marina today. Tyna volunteered to be the chef for 15 lbs of crawfish, shrimp, sausage, and trimmings while we took Lagniappe out on the bay. Jamie, Caine, McKenzie and myself. Not much wind, so it was pretty relaxed. But everyone seemed to enjoy themselves.
As I was putting her all back together afterwards, I ran the bilge pump and quite a bit of water came out. I usually run it when I first get to the boat, just to check for any water issues. I didn’t do that this time. This time I waited until the end of the day, which means the water may have come from melted ice. Not too sure. We did get a whole lot of rain last week. – we’ll watch that next time.
~Johnny Q From my Mobile Device


I came down today to check on that old brass through-hull that I’m not trusting. The towell I wrapped around it was perfectly dry. I know I will remove it and glass over the hole on the next haul out, but until then I think what I’ll do is a little more of a temp fix. I can use an expanding plug from under the hull to temporarily plug it up, then from inside remove the pvc plug that is threaded into the valve. Dry it out, then fill it with solicone or maybe 5200. Then thread the pvc plug back in and remove the expanding plug from under the hull. That should remove almost any possibility that it would spring a leak anytime soon.
~Johnny Q From my Mobile Device


I usually click to battery #1 while I’m at the boat, this time I used #2. I noticed the next day that the #2 battery was registering less than 12 volts even though the charger was on the whole time. Let’s watch that.
Also, remember to bring some scubby things for pots and pans cleaning.
~Johnny Q From my Mobile Device


I removed the damp rag from the old through-hull and wrapped a dry one around it. Reminder to check it next visit.
~Johnny Q From my Mobile Device


Picked up some purchase for Tyna yesterday near Hobby Airport, took the opportunity to visit the boat. Realized that I had left the engine cooling seacock open, reminder to always double check before leaving. Exercised all seacocks. Checked on the old AC throughhull and the rag I tied around it was wet. The fiberglass around it was dry. This is the first time it has shown wetness, indicating that it definitely has a very slow leak. Definitely want to fiberglass over this one. Inslalled the hinges on the cooler box and food box. Need a spatula for the galley.
~Johnny Q From my Mobile Device

Galveston Tall Ships

Tyna and myself along with Jamie and Lexi spent the day in Galveston today for the Tall Ship Regatta. Spent maybe 10 minutes on the boat. Operated the AC seacock and ran the AC for 15 minutes. The power must have gone out during the last week, the dehumidifier was off. Restarted the dehumidifier and the little fm radio, shut the AC seacock and locked her up.

~Johnny Q From my Mobile Device